Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Titanic Story By Amanda Rivera

My name is Anna, I'm 10 years old and I was aboard the RMS Titanic on April 14th, 1912. The day the deemed “unsinkable” ship sank due to an iceberg no one saw coming. My mother, father and I went on the ship just three days before the ship sank. Like everyone aboard the Titanic, we were going to New York to start a new life. What caused this sudden move was my sister Caroline who was just 15 years old died from a mysterious disease, to this day no one knows what she had. My mother Nancy, has been depressed lately and we all knew even though she tried to put on a brave front for me and my father. My father William, was a hotel owner in London but when my sister died business just seemed to fail and he decided to shut it down and begin a new life. I had to say goodbye to all my friends and family who lived in London, but I was excited to start a new life in New York and see the beautiful sites it had to offer. I made a few friends while aboard the ship like 12 year old Robertha but everyone calls her “Bertha” She`s two years older than me but that doesn't seem to matter to me or her, we'd  play from morning to night and our families got along too. The night of April 13th, my parents and I finished dinner with Bertha`s family and my mother and I headed back to the room while my father was going down to the smoking lounge with Bertha's father and a few other men. At 11:30 or so, my mother and I were shaken awake by a sound that scared the both us, we heard knocking at the door and when my mom opened it, my father came running in and informed us that the ship had hit an iceberg and that we needed to get our coats and life vests on and go straight to the deck where they were loading people onto the lifeboats. We quickly got dressed and ran up to the deck where there was already a crowd of people pushing and shoving. In the confusion I lost my parents, I could hear them screaming my name but it was still a struggle to find them. After minutes of trying to find my parents I finally gave up, for all I know they could already be on a lifeboat and I'm just stuck here on the doomed ship. As I was walking back inside I heard my mother cry out and when I turned around she was just standing there in tears, she ran up and hugged me and kept crying out “I'm so glad you're safe” I let go and looked at her with a serious face and said “W-w-wheres daddy?” she could tell I was frightened, she looked at me, smiled and then replied “Daddys fine and is waiting over with John and Madeline Astor, lets go” Just as she grabbed my hand an officer came over and quickly picked me up and tried to throw me into a lifeboat, I began thrashing and my mother was telling him to put me down, he started yelling “LADY! YOU MUST GET INTO THIS BOAT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!” she quickly yelled back “I AM NOT LEAVING MY HUSBAND, NOW PUT MY DAUGHTER DOWN NOW!” I have never seen my mother so mad, you could tell the officer was intimidated by my mother and he put me down and began loading other woman and children onto the boats. My mother and I ran over to my dad and embraced him in a huge hug. Suddenly, the boat made a weird noise and began going up into the air, all I heard was screaming and my mom yelling “Honey! hold on!” I did as she said and the ship then began going down, before I could process it all the ship snapped into two and we began falling into the frigid water, what started out as the ship of dreams turned into the ship of nightmares. The “Unsinkable” ship was now at the bottom of the sea and all we could do was hope someone would hear our screams and help us. A lifeboat came and helped all of us up and hours passed. The Carpathia came and counted up the number of people who survived and the people who perished, only 705 people survived that tragic night, my mother, father, and even Robertha and her mother survived. I unfortunately was among the 1,500 people who perished. Though we got into a lifeboat, It wasn't long until Hypothermia set in. Years passed, and my mother and father are still alive. When they got onto the Carpathia, they didn't want to come to terms with my death. They already lost one daughter and they didn't want to lose another. They are currently living in New York and they again tried to have another daughter who did indeed live to her adult years, they told her about me and my sister and explained how they survived the Titanic. Every year on the anniversary of the Titanic sinking they go out on a boat above where the titanic sank along with some of the other people who survived and throw flowers into the ocean in my honor. Every year they meet up with Robertha and her mother and catch up on life. I also overheard them say what killed my sister, doctors have done millions of tests and determined that my sister had Pneumonia.