She stole him, she took him away from me. He fell in love with her, that hideous creature. Her dark black, almost raven. Her pale skin, almost porcelain and her blood red lips. He left me all alone, his own mother, well stepmother but still why her? Where did she even come from? I never even heard of her until my magic mirror announced her as the “fairest of them all”. I looked into this so called woman and she is nothing special, yeah she can talk with animals but that is nothing compared to my powers.
I have the power to take this girl out, forever. To make sure she never see’s my stepson again, and to regain my beauty back and make sure that I am once again, The fairest of them all. Not some pathetic girl who sits around cleaning for dwarfs and singing all day to animals. Me, the most beautiful woman in the world.
I devised a perfect plan, I am going to disguise myself as a horrid old women who the girl will befriend and trust. I make my way over to the dwarfs house and knock on the door, the black haired girl opened the door and smiled sweetly at me.
“Why hello,” She said in a gentle voice, oh how her voice irks me, it’s like pins and needles in my ears.
“Hello Dear, I was walking about the woods when I heard a sweet melody which sounded like it was being sung by an angel, and it led me to you”
“Oh my, thank you ever so much” She says, her cheeks as red as her lips.
“No problem sweetie, would you care for an apple?, I picked it this morning, it’s very ripe and juicy.”
“Well, I am very hungry, thank you” She says, as she takes the apple from my wrinkled hands. Such an ignorant fool she is.
I watched in anticipation as she took a bite out of the apple and smiled as she froze, her eyes widened, I watched as the blood red apple fell from her pale hands, then she collapsed.
I bend down and slowly tucked some of her hair behind her ear and then whispered “ Oh dear, just a word of advice, never mess with the queen, because Snow white.. you’ll just lose.